Arun Deep’s Self-Help to I.C.S.E. Candid Biology 10 (Solutions of Evergreen Pub.) [For 2025-26 Examinations]

Original price was: ₹395.00.Current price is: ₹355.00.

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SKU: BIO_101 Categories: ,

Arun Deep’s I.C.S.E. A Textbook of Candid Biology is thoughtfully crafted for students in Class 10th, providing comprehensive guidance for effective exam preparation and the attainment of higher grades. This resource is designed to assist any I.C.S.E. student in achieving their best possible grade, offering support throughout the course and valuable advice on revision and exam readiness. The material is presented in a clear and concise format, featuring abundant practice questions.

This book strictly adheres to the latest syllabus prescribed by the Council for the I.C.S.E. Examinations from 2026 onwards. It includes detailed answers to the questions found in the Class 10 textbook, “Candid Biology,” published by Evergreen Publications Pvt. Ltd., this essential resource ensures a thorough understanding of biology concepts and exam success for students.

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Weight 0.596 kg


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